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4 Banana Face Masks For Glowing Skin

Banana For Glowing Skin:

Banana is packed with some vital vitamins and nutrients that make banana face masks extraordinary beauty fix. Bananas protect our skin from free radicals and therefore delay the aging process.  Some people go to the extent of terming bananas as Mother Nature’s painless low-cost Botox.

Why Homemade Banana Face Mask is good for your skin?


Nutrients in BananaSkin Benefits
Vitamin AGets rid of dark spots and blemishes. Evens out rough skin
Vitamin BDelay aging, lessens dryness, moisturizes and lightens skin
Vitamin EWork as “The Protector”. Combats free radical impairment, boosts the skin’s sun-rays resistance, prevents and diminishes appearance of wrinkles
PotassiumGets rid of dry skin by moisturizing and hydrating skin cells


Method: Take a ripe banana and mash it with a spoon or a fork in a bowl till it forms a smooth lump free pulp. Add 1 tsp. of honey and 1 tsp. of lemon juice and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Wash your face with a mild soap and use a soft towel to pat it dry. Rub the mask into your face, using your clean fingers. If needed apply a second coat to make the ingredients penetrate deep into skin pores. Wait for 10-15 minutes and wash your face with lukewarm water without using any soap this time. You will cheer up seeing your glowing face. Voila!