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Mobile Apps & Tricks



AppLock is a free Android app that comes with a lot of options. You can pay for it, get premium features, and no advertising. Or you can view advertising, get the premium features, and not pay anything. Finally, you can use it ad-free, but without premium features. The choice is yours. The app itself is a simple, but powerful app that allows you to lock your apps up tight with passwords so that snooping eyes can’t see them. This is great if you have nosy roommates, kids, or if you just want some piece of mind. You can use the app for free with or without ads (your choice). The ad-free version has a few features missing, but the ads will unlock those features as though you paid for it.

Credit Karma

Credit Karma is a fun little financial app. What it does is let you check your credit score once per year for free. On top of that, the app will notify you when there are major changes to your credit score. The app offers some other things too, such as potential credit cards that you may qualify for based on your credit score. You don't have to accept those if you don't want to. It's a simple, easy way to check out your credit and start fixing things if needed. It's one of the more underrated free Android apps.

Google Drive Suite

The Google Drive suite are a group of applications that are all directly integrated into Google Drive. The apps include Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, Google Photos, and Google Keep along with the actual Google Drive app itself. These apps focus primarily on office use for documents, spreadsheets, and slideshows but also work for note taking, backing up your photos, and storing whatever file you can think of. The best part is that they’re all free unless you need more than 15GB of storage on Google Drive. Most people don’t. These are all great free Android apps.


Groupon is one of the best and most popular coupon apps available on Android. Using this application is very simple. You browse it for coupons for goods or services you want and then you take those coupons shopping with you in order to get discounts. It doesn’t have coupons for every little thing but any penny saved is a penny earned. You can track which coupons you’ve used, take advantage of deals instantly, and a lot more. The design isn’t half bad either. It's one of those free Android apps that are worth a shot.

Maps and Waze

Google Maps and Waze are two navigation apps. Google Maps will give you turn-by-turn directions, let you view businesses (and their reviews), and all kinds of other stuff. Waze is another navigation app. It lets you check out the traffic along your route. Google Maps is definitely the more powerful of the two. However, Wave is less bloated. That makes it a good option if you're looking for something simple. You can't go wrong either way.